Coming to the State Sport Centres for the first time? We’ve got all your questions answered!

Frequently Asked Questions
client portal
Health and Wellness & Membership
Do I need to book in to attend a gym session?
Bookings are not required for casual gym sessions.
Do I need to book in to attend a swim session?
Bookings are not required for casual swimming.
Do I need to book in to attend a group fitness session?
Yes. Entry into group fitness classes are by booking only due to capacity limits.
Bookings can be made via the client portal here.
Unfortunately, I need to do cancel my membership, how do I do this?
Membership cancellations need to be completed via the Membership Cancellation Form with 28 days’ notice. Memberships can also be suspended on medical grounds by supplying a doctor’s certificate.
Aquatics & Learn to swim
How do I pay for swimming lessons?
Convenient fortnightly direct debit payments encourage continual skill development with no re-enrolment process, from term to term. Every second Tuesday the agreed debit amount will automatically be withdrawn from your nominated bank account or credit card. If a debit has failed, you will be notified via text and/or email on the debit date.
If an account is not paid after two consecutive failed debits, the student will be removed from the class, and the swimming lesson membership and centre access will cease immediately. If your membership is cancelled due to rejected debits, you will need to pay any outstanding balance and re-enrol into an available class.
Is the pool heated?
Yes, our pools are all heated to varying degrees to ensure that the water temperature is appropriate for the user groups accessing each area.
Can my child wear a normal nappy in the water?
Infants and Toddlers are required to wear swimwear or swim nappies that are tight fitting around the thighs. Standard nappies are not permitted in the pool.
What if my child becomes upset during their swimming lesson?
Please be aware that it is common for children to have difficulty adjusting to swimming lessons. Most children will settle within a few weeks; however, we do encourage parents to bring bathers along during this time, in case your child requires additional support.
What do we need to bring?
Bathers, towel, goggles and also dry clothes to change into after their session, swim nappy if your child is not toilet trained.
Does my child need goggles?
They may appear insignificant but they can make a large difference to a child’s learning journey as they progress through swimming lessons! Most children who do not wear goggles close their eyes as they swim. This can lead to them becoming disorientated or preoccupied which makes them unable to focus on their stroke technique. We offer a great range of affordable youth goggles, ask Customer Service for assistance.
Goggles are not a compulsory part of our program however we highly recommend children gaining experience both with and without goggles.
Do I have to be in the water with my child during the lesson?
If your child is under 3 and enrolled into one of our Water Babies, then a parent/guardian must be in the water for the duration of the lesson.
What is the Watch Around Water Policy?
Children under 5 – must be accompanied into the centre and the water and remain within arm’s reach of an adult at all times.
Children under 10 – must be accompanied into the centre and constantly supervised by an adult.
In swimming lessons, students enrolled in Waterbabies classes require their parents to be in the water with them. In all other swimming lesson classes, parents are still expected to abide by Watch Around Water with constant supervision of their children under 10.
What qualifications and checks do our teachers have?
Our teachers hold nationally accredited AUSTSWIM Teacher of Swimming & Water Safety Certificates or ASTCA Swim Australia Teacher qualification, current CPR and Working with Children Cards. All teachers that teach infant or disability lessons hold specialised qualifications, likewise all our coaching staff hold Swimming Australia Coaching Accreditation.
Can I take photos of my child in their swimming lesson?
We welcome the capturing of your magic moments on camera or video, however privacy of others must be respected. The use of cameras and video cameras at this venue is conditional upon the following:
- You must have all relevant individuals consent to use images – this includes teachers
- It is illegal to broadcast or publish images without consent
- Under no circumstances are cameras, video cameras or mobile phones to be used in change room areas
Instructions on how to enrol in the MSAC Learn to Swim Program can be found below:
MSAC Aquatic Guidlines
When visiting State Sports Centres, we ask that all patrons adhere to the following guidelines:
- Parents are required to adhere to MSAC’s supervision policy of: Children under 5 supervised within arm’s reach and children under 10 actively supervised by a parent or guardian over the age of 16.
- Walking at all times through the aquatic facility
- Do not engage in reckless behavior
- Ball games are not prohibited
- Follow direction from all SSC staff
- Please check the conditions of entry of the centre
- Family change rooms should be used by parents and guardians with children of opposite sex over the age of six years.
Lane Etiquette
Lane etiquette is required in all public swimming lanes throughout the aquatic facility. This includes:
- Remain to the left-hand side of your lane at all times
- If you wish to overtake, ensure that is safe and respectful
- Pick the speed lane which best describes your capabilities
Lock Out
Please note, when the venue reaches its full capacity, a lock out may be required to maintain the safety of or visitors. Information relating to our lock out procedure is outlined below:
A lock out is when we do not allow any new patron/s into the venue as it is considered at full capacity. The safety of all our patrons, staff and visitors are our priority at all times, and for public safety reasons a lock out will be initiated.
MSAC conduct lock outs during peak periods to manage the safety of all visitors. A lock out will occur mainly in the aquatic areas and is most likely to happen on hot days when there are several hundred people using aquatic facilities.
There is no set time that a lock out will run for as it largely depends on how many patrons exit the impacted area before more patrons are let in. During lock outs MSAC will provide patrons with activity options while they wait that may include entertainment on our big screen in the main foyer. Pass-outs are not issued during a lock out period.
A lock out does not apply to members or those who are pre-enrolled in programs such as our swim school squad or holiday programs.
Water Safety Guidelines
Know your responsibilities as a guardian of children in the water.
Watch Around the Water
The Watch Around Water program was created by the aquatics industry for the aquatics industry and looks to raise awareness of the importance of parental supervision of young children while at public swimming pools and promotes the following safe supervision policies (minimum standard):
- Children under 5 years must be accompanied into the centre and the water by a responsible adult over 16 years of age and supervised at arm’s reach at all times.
- Children under 10 years must be accompanied into the centre by a responsible adult over 16 years and supervised at all times.
Life Saving Victoria
MSAC and Life Saving Victoria work closely together to achieve a safe aquatic environment. LSV’s vision and mission aligns with MSAC’s passion for creating an enjoyable and safe environment for all members of the community.
MSAC has a Platinum Pool rating. The Platinum Pool Program was introduced by Life Saving Victoria to highlight aquatic facilities that have achieved the highest standards in the provision of aquatic safety and risk management. The receipt of Platinum Pool accreditation is recognised as a sign of excellence within the Industry.
SwimSafe Program
SwimSafe is a Life Saving Victoria public education campaign, implemented off the back off coronial recommendations, targeted at vulnerable adult swimmers. SwimSafe aims to educate staff and patrons on the vulnerabilities of weak and non-swimmers including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and those with pre-existing medical conditions or disabilities, about the hazards associated with aquatic environments.
Do I need to make an account to make a casual booking?
Yes, if you have not been a customer with MSC in the past 2 years you will need to create a free account.
What if I want to book a spot for my child?
You can book a session for your child. You will need to purchase a single visit pass or a 10 visit pass for them. Visit passes are not transferable from member to member.
Can I bring my children/family to sit and watch while I swim?
Currently, only swimmers with a booking may enter the venue.
I have logged into my account and my child is not listed as a family member.
Please contact us at info@statesportcentres.com.au
Can I book for another adult?
All Adult members and guests are required to have their own MSC Account to make and manage their own bookings.
Can I get a multi-pass visit so I don’t have to enter my credit card details?
10 Visit swim passes are available so that you do not have to enter your credit card every time you book a swim. They are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. Visit passes are not transferable to other members or guests.
What happens if I cancel my booking?
If you cancel your booking with more than 24 hours notice, a visit pass will be returned to your account. If you cancel your booking within 24 hours of your scheduled booking your visit will be forfeited. refunds are not available.
What is my user name?
Your user name is your email address that is linked to your SSC customer profile.
I need to update my email address.
Please contact us at info@ssct.com.au.
I have reset my password and I have not received an email.
Check your junk mail. If your new password link does not arrive please contact us at info@ssct.com.au
Occasional care
The MSAC Occasional Childcare Centre team has compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions to help with your child’s enrolment!
What are your operating hours?
MSAC Occasional Childcare Sessions currently run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am – 10:30am and 10:30am – 12pm.
How do I book my child in Occasional Care?
You will need to attend an induction, provide an enrolment form and immunisation history statement for your child, and set up your account with your child attached. Please email the childcare team at creche@ssct.com.au to book an induction, you will be provided with an enrolment form. Visit our Client Portal to make an account and add your child to the account. Once the induction has been completed and you have provided a complete enrolment form and an up-to-date immunisation history statement you will be given access to the online booking system.
What do I do if my child has a medical condition or allergy?
Please let our staff know during your induction if your child has any medical conditions. If your child has a medical condition, a medical management plan will be written by childcare staff. An Action Plan must be provided for an allergy or anaphylaxis and correct medication must be provided to childcare staff for your child to attend. All childcare staff have current first aid training, specific to handling emergency situations in a childcare setting.
What do I do if I am running late to collect my child?
Please call the team on 9926 1533, if you think you might be late.
What should I pack with my child?
- A hat
- Lunch
- A bib or two – if required
- Comfort toy or blanket – if required
- Dummy if needed
- Bottles
- Spare clothing
- Expressed milk if applicable
- Water bottle
- Nappies and wipes – if your child is not toilet trained
- Any medications – please give these to creche staff to manage directly.
If you have any further questions, please contact the team at creche@ssct.com.au