Waterbabies Play
If you’re interested in infant swimming lessons for children aged 3-6 months but not sure where to start or don’t meet the age requirements for our structured Waterbabies classes, then Play is for you!

The start of a lifelong journey together
Research shows that children who learn to swim at a younger age reach many developmental milestones earlier – this is not just in their swimming ability but also literacy, numeracy, emotionally and socially.
Our Waterbabies Play program is for babies aged 3 to 6 months, with a class duration of 30 minutes and is very flexible to the needs of you and your child.
We understand that a swimming lesson is one of the first activities that you and your child can do together which means sometimes things don’t always go to plan – you may be late, need to hop out of the water early, or stop halfway through to feed and that’s completely fine with us! Our qualified teachers will be available for the entire 30 minutes regardless and will guide you through this journey at your own pace.
Take advantage of our aqua free play zone after class if you want to practice further, everything you learn in Waterbabies play can transition to any pool and even the bath!
What happens in a water babies play session?
Familiarising yourselves with the environment and feeling comfortable is our focus. Our teachers will show you different holding techniques and water play tools to help you and baby bond and develop that lifelong love of the water.
Breath Control
When ready, our teachers will guide you and your baby through the process of breath control and submersions.
Babies already have very strong buoyancy skills from being in the womb. Our teachers will help build on this by teaching you the tools to encourage independent floating.
As your child develops, so does our guidance. The more mobile they become, the more tools and activities we can introduce to help with their kicking and paddling in the future.
Once your baby turns 6 months you will have all the tips and tricks to transition straight into our Waterbabies Bronze classes and fully participate in these further structured classes including songs and activities.
Waterbabies Play classes run on a casual booking system so there is no need to commit to every week! Sessions will be capped at 10 parents and babies so our teachers can provide maximum support and are priced at $19 per session.
To book visit the Client Portal, select swim school and then toggle on assessments/waterbabies play.