25th June, 2024

Getting to know Sam Williamson

Sam Williamson is an Olympic swimmer, making his debut at the Paris 2024 Games. After getting a taste for International competition and earning his first medals for Australia at the 2022 Commonwealth Games, Sam is looking forward to representing his country for the first time at the Olympics.

Sam Williamson is an Olympic swimmer, making his debut at the Paris 2024 Games. After getting a taste for International competition and earning his first medals for Australia at the 2022 Commonwealth Games, Sam is looking forward to representing his country for the first time at the Olympics. We caught up with him before he set off for training camp in France with the Australian Dolphins.

Congratulations on your selection, how excited are you for your debut Games?

I think the dust around it hasn’t quite settled yet. There’s been a few little things that have popped up, and have reminded me like, ‘Holy smokes, I’m actually going to the Olympics.’ I’m just thrilled to have been selected on the team.

What are you most looking forward to about getting to Paris?

I’d be lying if I said a croissant had been crossed my mind! Definitely the food, I love my food, so really looking forward to trying absolutely everything I can get my hands on. But, just being part of the Olympic team, that’s been a childhood dream of mine since I was [about] ten. I think that’s one thing that I’m really looking forward to.

What’s your first Olympic memory?

I think first Olympics memory would be [Beijing] 2008. Mum and Dad actually recorded the opening ceremony for me on a VHS, because it was too late at night and I couldn’t watch it.

How does training at the facilities at State Sport Centres help you prepare for the Games?

MSAC is probably my second home, lucky lane nine is where I spend the majority of my time. [I’m] just really stoked that MSAC have let me train here for the last few years and have done everything they can to help me put my best foot forward.

What advice would you give the young squad swimmers here at MSAC?

As long as you enjoy it, it doesn’t really matter what happens. So just enjoy the hell out of it and do it with a smile.

What made you fall in love with swimming?

I’m not really good at anything else! So I luckily found swimming. But I don’t know what it is about swimming, I’ve always loved it, I’ve always loved the friends that I’ve made through swimming. And, I think I’m fortunate enough that swimming has enabled me to travel around the world with some of my best friends.

How would you describe your swimming in three words?

Fast, fast and fast!

Sam Williamson trains at MSAC with Melbourne Vicentre and is a Victorian Institute of Sport Athlete.

Find out more about how you can get involved with swimming at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre here.